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Blacksmithing Hammers

Buy Blacksmith Hammers, Blacksmith Tongs, and Farriers Hammers here at The Hammer Source!

The Hammer Source is your source for French Pattern Hammers, Machinist Hammers, Swedish Hammers, Square Flatters and many more blacksmith hammers.

We stock blacksmith hammers made by Big Blu Hammers, Vaughan, Picard, Nupla and Nordic Forge.

French Pattern Hammer 

1500gm French Pattern Hammer   

Machinist Hammer

Machinists Hammer   

Swedish Pattern Hammer 


The Hammer Source has many styles of Blacksmithing Hammers, tongs and tools. Browse the pages or select from our sub-categories. 

Product numbers starting with "P" are from Picard Hammers in Germany. These hammers are top quality, precision made, using top-quality steel and components. Picard hammers have been manufactured since 1857 and the company is still owned by the Picard family after four generations. See the Picard Catalogue for more hammers. If you see something I don't have on the site, let me know.

Check out Big BLU hammers. These are Hand-Made-in the U.S.A premium blacksmith hammers. They are not cheap but they are world-renowned for quality and craftmanship. You will love this hammer!

Big Blu Hammers

Also check out our selection of Nordic Forge Blacksmith and Ferrier hammers. These are top quality, Hand-Made-in the U.S.A. hammers. Nordic Forge Product numbers start with "NF".

Nordic Forge Hammers

You can search for these hammers using our Shop by Brand section on the left of every page.

Check out our Blacksmith Books Here!

Don't see what you need? Call The Hammer Man at 630-969-1100.

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