Looking for metal on a stick?
Hello HammerSaurus!
100's of Hammers here!
This page contains links to customers sites and other sites of interest.
If you would like to have your site listed on this page, send an e-mail to The Hammerman for consideration.
Check out this custom-made leather weightlifting belt by customer and friend Sean Dunn:
See Sean make these belts at
Contact Sean to order your custom-made belt at Sean Dunn seanjosephdunn@gmail.com.
Ash Blaeds- Custom Handmade Knives.
Check out these really cool blades made by Aric Geesaman.
John Deere Blacksmith Shop
Visit Western Illinois and John Deere's first blacksmith site where he invented the polished plow. Great visit!
Paul Jones
Cool Metal Working site- Paul makes metal cowboy hats among other artwork.
Want a barn?
Bear Paw Wilderness Design-Camping Gear