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Buy Dead Blow Hammers here at The Hammer Source.
Dead Blow hammers have a chamber in the head of the hammer that contains loose material like sand or steel shot. The purpose of the loose material is to stop the rebound of a strike; the shot shifts forward on impact to absorb the recoil and stop the hammer from bouncing.
The Hammer Source has a variety of dead blow hammers including polyurethane coated, composite head, steel head and cast aluminum. Sizes range from 8 oz to 22 pounds.
Here are the Dead Blow Hammers:
Thor Dead Blow Hammers. Cast Aluminum with rubber grip. Thor Dead Blow hammers come with nylon screw-in faces.
Sizes 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 1 3/4", 2" and 2 1/2". Faces range from Super Soft to Extra Hard.
Click on the Thor Hammer to go to the Thor Dead Blow Hammer page:
Nupla Dead Blow Hammers- Nupla Dead Blow hammers (SPI) are cast composite heads with screw-in faces.
Sizes 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2" and 3". Several hardness of faces. Also Non Dead Blow Hammers (SPS)
Click on the Nupla Hammer to see more:
Halder Dead Blow Hammers- Halder SuperCraft Dead blow hammers are all steel with press-on nylon faces. Halder hammers have a steel over-strike protector built into the wood handled hammers. Halder Hammers also has all steel handles (as below) with rubber grips. These hammers are super tough and come in many sizes.
Garland Dead Blow Hammers- Garland Dead Blow Hammers have steel shot canisters and steel handles with a durable molded polyurethane covering. Sizes from 11 oz. to 22 lbs. Click on the Garland Dead Blow hammer to see all the sizes:
Trusty Cook Dead Blow Hammers- USA made High-quality Dead Blow Hammers. Steel shot filled canisters with durable molde polyurethane covering.
Many sizes up to 14 lbs. Also Ball Pein dead blow hammers and Dead Blow Bossing Mallets for metalworking.
Dead Blow Alternatives - Some situations prevent the use of a dead blow hammer due to the chance of shot entering the work area. We suggest you check out a couple of alternatives; Split or Solid Head hammers and the Solid Urethane hammers. Call us toll free 630-969-1100 for other suggestions.